
Need Based Approach

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    Individual and Family

    Most of us find it challenging to make the right decisions when planning our finances or managing our wealth. Having a financial expert by your side to guide you through your needs, aspirations, and challenges can be invaluable. Through a needs-based approach, Iwatermark assists you and your family in:

    • Building and preserving your wealth
    • Achieving your financial goals
    • Protech your future
    • Achieving financial freedom
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    Effective management of surplus funds is crucial for any organization

    • Assist in developing a comprehensive investment policy
    • It contains a detailed description of the financial strategy to be implemented for excess cash management
    • Iwatermark works alongside corporate treasurers to structure effective investment strategies
    • Address financial and business risks, analyze and manage cash flow, improve tax efficiency, and identify suitable investment options for surplus funds


    Effective management of surplus funds is crucial for any organization

    • Assist in developing a comprehensive investment policy
    • It contains a detailed description of the financial strategy to be implemented for excess cash management
    • Iwatermark works alongside corporate treasurers to structure effective investment strategies
    • Address financial and business risks, analyze and manage cash flow, improve tax efficiency, and identify suitable investment options for surplus funds
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    Tax efficiency

    Taxes can reduce significant portion of your returns if not planned prudently

    • Iwatermark helps you to understand the taxation impact of each of your investment preference
    • Choose the most suitable tax efficient products and ensuring compliance even while maximizing returns
    • Aid you to utilize the tax exemptions, deductions, and benefits offered in the best possible way to minimize your liability

Investment Methodology

Our investment process is systematic, designed to mitigate emotional decisions influenced by fear or greed. It offers a structured framework for meticulous planning, reducing impulsive actions that could undermine your long-term goals. Additionally, it facilitates regular assessment of your investments to ensure they remain aligned with your evolving needs.

We are alongside at every step of the way


Setting a roadmap for your investments

  • To get a clear picture of your long-term goals and aspirations
  • Understanding Risk Profile
  • Evaluate of existing investments


Creating portfolio

  • Asset allocation
  • Selection of investment instruments
  • Creating portfolio that aligns with your goals


Undemanding and easy investing

  • Setting up your investment account
  • Presenting with online options for executing the investment
  • Exclusively Tailored investment accounts


Portfolio tracking

  • Regular tracking of portfolio against benchmark
  • Timely sharing of portfolio report
  • Reports on investment taxation


Portfolio reviews

  • Periodic review of portfolio
  • Tracking progress against goals
  • Re-balancing portfolio based on market valuations